Posts Tagged ‘ Presentations ’

EDITED – Pictures from E&T Summer School and Conference

Pictures from E&T Bergen 2010
Summer School and Conference

Many of you wish to share their pictures and presentations from the summer school academic and/or extracurricular activities.

Petra and Jens have been kind enough to provide us with a solution: My Drive.

1. Go to My Drive.
2. Log on.
3. Create a folder that has your name.
4. Up
load the material (pictures, presentations, etc.) that you want to share in that folder.

Ask Petra, Jens or Myriam for login information (username and password) if you do not have it.

We now have access to 4GB storage space. Still, think of the size of your material….

Today: Keynote speaker Jörg Neumann

Keynote speaker

TU Dresden

Mobile Learning – “New” Visions beside E-Learning?

Aud. B

Presentation (pdf-file)

If you feel like engaging into a discussion about the topic or the presentation, feel free to leave comments or questions.

Today: Keynote speaker Maciej Piotrowski

Keynote speaker

Dr. Maciej Piotrowski
AITM Rzeszow

Research Design, Collection and Exploitation of Web-based Data
Experiences from Estate and Labor Market Research

Aud. B

Presentation (Prezi link)

If you feel like engaging into a discussion about the topic or the presentation, feel free to leave comments or questions.

Today: Keynote speaker Myriam Coco

Keynote speaker

University of Bergen

Doing Action Research – A Short Introduction

Aud. B

Presentation (pdf-file)

If you feel like engaging into a discussion about the topic or the presentation, feel free to leave comments or questions.

Today: Keynote speaker Tino Schütte

Keynote speaker

TU Dresden

Statistical Computing with R – A Very Short Introduction

Aud. A

Presentation (pdf-file)

If you feel like engaging into a discussion about the topic or the presentation, feel free to leave comments or questions.

Today: Keynote speaker Pascal Marquet

Keynote speaker

University of Strasbourg

Didactical, Pedagogical and Technical Objects Interlocked in VLEs

Aud. A

Presentation (ppt-file)

If you feel like engaging into a discussion about the topic or the presentation, feel free to leave comments or questions.

Today: Keynote speaker Daniel Apollon

Keynote speaker

University of Bergen

Coping with Zombie-Concepts

Aud. B

Presentation (ppt-file)

If you feel like engaging into a discussion about the topic or the presentation, feel free to leave comments or questions.

Today: Keynote speaker Najoua Mohib

Keynote speaker

Jr. assoc. prof. NAJOUA MOHIB
University of Strasbourg

Common and Typical Aspects of a French Academic Research Education: the Case of CompUTICE

Aud. B

Presentation (ppt-file)

If you feel like engaging into a discussion about the topic or the presentation, feel free to leave comments or questions.

Today: Keynote speaker Prof. Thomas Köhler

Keynote speaker

TU Dresden

European Perspectives on Doctoral Skills and New Approaches of TUD
The Concept of Transferable Skills

Aud. B

Presentation (pdf. file)

If you feel like engaging into a discussion about the topic or the presentation, feel free to leave comments or questions.

Paralell Sessions for week 1 & 2

Paralell Sessions for week 1 & 2

The complete programme for the paralell sessions is now ready at
(Password required).

SESSIONS I  are in rom HF-216.

SESSIONS II  are in rom HF-217.

GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL PREPARATIONS can be done in roms HF-301, HF-326, HF-400, University library or PC Lab.